I choose to forgive you
I choose to forgive you!
As humans you are bound to make mistakes and that you do every other minute of every other day. But what if you are not forgiven for what you do? What if you are accounted for every wrong you do? Yes, this may lead you ending up all alone and miserable. Now people say that they are fine being solitary and that it never makes them miserable. But I tell you the truth, the very existence of human life depends on their civilization and human is but a social animal. Human civilization was never made by people sitting in oblivion but by their association and to have that association work, the only mantra is forgiven and forget.
Now mistake is a very subjective topic. What you see as a mistake might be just another norm in someone elses life. As a child,d you commit so many mistakes everyday but do your parents ever become even late in forgiving you? The answer would be “NO” probably.
In our live,s we learn many more things from our parents than we can ever learn from our schools that is because right from our childhood we have been seeing them and with time they become our idols. We try and follow the same footsteps, then the question is what makes us not forgive and forget others as our parents usually do with us? Why cant we follow our idol in that way too?
However big a mistake can be, we can always do one thing is forgiving because that way we are actually liberating ourselves from the continuous nuisance that the subconscious recycling of that thing causes in us and the resulting anxiety that our mind become prey to. So whats the point in keeping the crap that ultimately harms you in your mind?
Above all, what has happened is past and we should always keep our present at priority by not letting our past influence our present in a wrongful manner. Let your present be free of any unpleasantness from the past. Yes, we all are into an ongoing process and our past has a role to play in the person we become today or shall be in our near future. But we can always as humans decide on what kind of experience should really be shaping us and keeping all the negatives for the future has never helped anyone. To cry on we can have enough topics every other second and be full of anguish and disgust but do we really want that, or do we just want to move on with the world? So lets take a pledge and cut some slack on ourselves by forgiving and most importantly forgetting others.
I hope you now have enough reasons to say it out loud with me – “I choose to forgive you!”
Labels: love caption, love quotes, Love Stories
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